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Some of the projects

In partnership with Aguaconsult under UNICEF assignment, Lean Finance assessed WASH sector financing policy in Viet Nam for the Government of Viet Nam. The project analysed existing regulatory landscape conducive to WASH investments in the country and proposed regulatory and policy options for improving private sector participation in WASH infrastructure funding and financing in Viet Nam. Recommendations were formulated for the government and development partners on a funding and financing strategy for WASH.

Partnering with Aquaconsult, Lean Finance successfully collaborated with UNICEF, UNDP, and UNCDF to formulate a versatile proposal for the UN SDG Fund, amounting to a $17 million program in Ghana. Our assignment encompassed various components, including the development of a sanitation fund equipped with funding and financing facilities, detailed market analysis, fund design and economics, theory of change formulation, workplan creation, thorough scoping activities, investor mobilisation, establishment of legal and governance structures, and the development of the terms of reference for the fund manager.

In collaboration with International WaterCentre, Andrew Shantz and Len Ang as field support, Lean Finance performed diagnostic assessment of opportunities to catalyse blending of finance sources for climate resilient WASH in Cambodia. This assignment allowed to test previously designed diagnostic method to identify opportunities for intervention by aid development agency and to recommend blended financing mechanisms across the WASH supply chain.

Water and Sanitation Infrastructure funding and financing in Indonesia – reality check and ways forward, 2023
Over a period of two weeks In November 2023, together with representatives from the infrastructure unit of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, and in collaboration with Castalia, Lean Finance consulted various players from the water sector in Indonesia and held a focus group discussion to inform current and future Water and Sanitation programming for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in Indonesia.

In partnership with International WaterCentre, Griffith University, Lean Finance developed methodology for country-level diagnostic assessment of opportunities for development partners to catalyse blended finance for climate resilient WASH, The method enables country-level understanding of the WASH and financial ecosystems to guide potential investments and activities for blended finance.

Lean Finance assessed the practicalities of blended finance solutions in the WASH sector globally. The research identified pathways for future Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade WASH programming using blended financing to scale-up and/or improve the impacts of international development activities. The report outlined roles for an aid agency, aiming to create systemic change through partnerships and to unlock funding and financing for climate resilient WASH.